Well, we’re baaaaacccckkkk with The Adaptive Webinar series.

Last year we had a great series with awesome participation by the PSIS/AASI membership.  People from all over the country participated.  We are kicking off this year’s program with a Webinar on “Teaching Skills” with “Tips from the Masters”  Every other Thursday for the rest of the season we will be holding these truly outstanding webinars aimed at making us all better, more up to date, and more knowledgeable instructors.

On Thursday, Oct 14th at 6:30 pm Pacific the Western Adaptive Taskforce, the Mt, High Adaptive Program and Rim Special Athletes will present “Teaching Skills” with “Teaching Tips from the Masters” by Zoom.

The presenters will be Jake Breidenbach and Dan Stormer. Jake is an Adaptive L3,  as well as an Adaptive and Alpine Trainer at Northstar.  Dan is an Adaptive L3, as well as an Adaptive and Alpine Trainer at Mt High. Both have been Examiners for a number of years.  The Masters Panel will include Kim Meares (Western Division Task Force Chair, Adaptive and Alpine Trainer, and Examiner), Daniel Horner( Program Coordinator for USARC and Task Force member), Brent Kuemmerle (The Godfather of Adaptive Snowboard, L3 Adaptive, and present Winter Sports School Supervisor at Sierra at Tahoe),James Moore (L3 Adaptive SB and L3 SB, formerly Exam staff for Eastern Division and present Examiner for Western Division.

It is the first in our series of Webinars for this year.  The series continues every two weeks on Thursdays  Below is our tentative Fall Agenda:

  • Oct 14  @ 6:30 pm-Teaching Skills/Tips From the Masters
  • Oct 28  @ 6:30 pm – People Skills-Becoming a more effective Instructor
  • Nov 11 @ 6:30 pm –Adaptive Snowboard-Techniques and Skill development
  • Dec 2    @ 6:30 pm –Teaching Mono/Bi-L1/L2 standards and approaches
  • Dec 16 @ 6:30 pm – Working with Adaptive students in non- adaptive Alpine and Snowboard lessons

This Webinar series is open to everyone, not just PSIA-AASI members.  It is free.  Please feel free to forward to your volunteers or other staff if you find it potentially informative. During these still crazy times we are working to stay connected to one another.

Adapting to our current situation means we are moving in a direction of virtual learning – lots of Zoom!  In partnership with Mt High Adaptive, Rim Special Athletes, and the Adaptive Task Force of PSIA-AASI-W have developed an exciting Adaptive webinar series featuring interactive online clinics at no charge. We encourage you to attend and invite your staff, volunteers, friends, and colleagues too.


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